General Application Guide
How to apply to overseas universities
The processes and requirements for overseas universities can differ quite significantly from local university procedures. The steps outlined below is a general guide to applying for overseas universities. For specific instructions to applying for UK, US and China universities, please refer to the links in this page.
1. Method of Application
Access the “International Admissions” webpage for every university that you are applying for and note the different methods of application and deadlines.
You should start doing as soon as possible, latest by Sept in your JC2 year as some deadlines can be very early. Your teachers also may not be available at the end of the year to support your application.
Typically, you will be asked to submit documents like your transcripts, predicted grades, graduation certificate, test scores and references.
The common methods of submissions are
Uploading to a portal e.g. Hong Kong and German universities
Emailing to the admissions office e.g. US universities
Snail mailing e.g. Japanese and some Canadian universities
The school may need to upload or mail the transcripts/predicted grades/graduation certificate directly to the university on your behalf. Many universities do not usually accept transcripts directly from a candidate.
2. Register for additional tests
You may need to take additional tests for some universities e.g. German universities may require you to take a language proficiency test to qualify for courses taught in German
3. Transcripts
The school does not keep original transcripts. All original transcripts of Promo, Prelims and A levels have been signed by the Principal and given to you. If you have lost your original transcripts for Promo or Prelims, please approach the General Office.
If you have lost your O or A-Level transcripts, please approach Ministry of Education.
If you require the school to submit transcripts on your behalf, you will have to email the certified transcripts to the teacher coordinator.
4. Predicted Grades
Upon request, the school will generate your predicted grades. Your predicted grades are generated based on your internal exam results, most likely prelim results.
Predicted grades are confidential and will be sent directly to the university.
5. Graduation Certificate
Please check the university website for the requirements or template of the graduation certificate required and inform the coordinator of the requirements accordingly.
Note that MOE schools do not issue graduation certificates. This certificate is produced specifically for your application purposes.
6. References
If you require a reference from a teacher, please approach an appropriate teacher at least 4 weeks before the application deadline.
If your application deadline falls during the December holidays, inform your teacher at least 4 weeks before the start of holidays.
Inform the teacher of the deadlines and template of the reference, if any.
Learn more about approaching teachers for references here.
7. Working with the admissions coordinator
Step 1: Contact the admissions coordinator
Email the admissions coordinator and inform him/her of your pending application.
Inform the admissions coordinator at least 3 weeks before the deadline. If the application deadline falls during the December holidays, inform the admissions coordinator at least 3 weeks before the start of holidays.
In your email, include the following
Information to include |
Details |
Name, class and NRIC |
Universites and course that you are applying for |
Application number |
If you have yet to get an application number, inform the coordinator as soon as you get one. |
Method of application |
For portal uploading, provide the portal log-in and password. For email submission, provide the email address. For snail mail submission, provide the mailing address. |
Documents required |
For transcripts, follow instructions in Step 2. For predicted grades, provide the list of your subjects and your Mother Tongue and PW grades. For graduation certificate, provide the template, if any. |
Names and emails of teacher referees |
Deadline of application submission |
In general, the admissions coordinator will collate all the necessary documents and submit it to the university.
Step 2: Certify your transcripts and send to teacher coordinator
Bring your original transcripts and all copies to the General Office. The staff there will inspect your transcripts and certify them as true copies.
If method of submission is
Portal upload - Scan the true copies and send the pdf documents to the admissions coordinator
Email - Scan the true copies and send the pdf documents to the admissions coordinator
Snail mail - Place the copies in the admissions coordinator's pigeonhole.
Step 3: Inform your teacher referees to send their references to the teacher coordinator
Inform your teacher referees to send their references (in pdf format) to the admissions coordinator at least 1 week before the deadline.
Step 4: Check your application with the universities
The admissions coordinator will collate all the necessary documents and send them to the university.
After which, it is your responsibility to follow up with the universities and ensure that they have received your application.