Teacher References
Teacher References
Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions
Why are teacher references important?
Besides your parents, teachers are the adults who spend significant time interacting with you. Hence, they can be trusted to provide an honest picture of who you are. Teacher recommendations can give admissions officers an insight to what your level of engagement is like in the classroom, your attitude towards classwork, your interactions with peers and your contributions to school-life. Hence, professors will understand what you will be like in their classroom and how you can contribute to university life. JC tutors are especially important as they have seen you perform in a higher-level context and can comment on your suitability for higher education.
When do you need references?
Reference letters are required for the following applications:
University Scholarships
1 referee
Preferably a teacher who knows you well i.e. Civics Tutor
NUS College
1 referee
Preferably a teacher who knows you well i.e. Civics Tutor
Local medicine applications
2 referees - one must be from the civics tutor for NTU LKC Medicine from AY2024-2025
Preferably a healthcare community leader whom you have worked with or a teacher who knows you well
Aptitude-based admission to NTU
1-2 referees
Preferably an external community leader or coach or CCA teacher
SUTD applications
1 referee
Preferably a teacher who knows you well academically (preferably Math or Science tutors)
UK applications
1 referee
Preferably a teacher who teaches you the subject that is related to your course of study
US applications and HKU applications
Your Civics Tutor should be your school counsellor / official so as to write a holistic recommendation for you
You will need 2 other subject tutors to act as teacher recommenders and write referrals for you. CCA teachers are not recommended.
Is there a difference between referees, references, recommendations and referee reports?
According to some sources, there may be some minor differences. But for your context, they should all mean the same thing!